Note: You may find that LinkedIn gives more exposure to your status updates than to articles. If this turns out to be the case, status updates - with their 1,300 character limit (approximately 250-300 words) means that you could possibly spend much less time creating content that actually gets more reach. This might not be everyones experience, but it’s worth experimenting with.
Personal Profile: join and be active in LinkedIn Groups
Whatever your industry, consider getting involved in Groups related to your industry as a way to connect with others, discuss and learn new ideas, and - more subtly - as a way to connect with key partners and find out what your target market is interested in. With the shift in social media usage in the recent years, closed communities such as Facebook Groups as LinkedIn Groups might be the next top way to engage your audience – especially if you are a B2B company. Being actively involved in one or several LinkedIn Groups can have many benefits for businesses, including:
Building more awareness about you within your target markets.
Positioning your company (or you as an individual) as an industry thought leader
Nurturing valuable industry relationships.
A showcase for your great industry-leading content and products.
Generation of interest and inquiries for your business.
Converting Group members to subscribers and advocates for your brand.
Using the ideas you find - from popular discussions, statuses with the most likes and comments, etc. - to help you work on ideas and topics to feature in your companys status updates.
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