Spy Track SPY TRACK OVERVIEW SPY TRACK BONUS SPY TRACK REVIEW . Click the big yellow button: And install and activate MozBar. When you do a search in Google you should see information from MozBar in the SERPs: Now that you have the MozBar set up, it’s time to size up the competition. Page-Level Authority There’s an old SEO adage that goes: “Google doesn’t rank sites…it ranks pages.” Although a site’s domain authority and brand presence play important roles, the #1 factor in a page’s ability to rank in Google is the authority of that page. So there’s a lot of truth to that old adage. The best measurement of a page’s authority is Moz’s Page Authority. (You can easily check Page Authority by looking at the “PA” number in the MozBar SERP Overlay:) It’s OK for a SERP to have a few high-PA results on the first page. That’s the case for most medium or high volume keywords. You want to keep an eye out for low-PA pages. Those pages are ripe for getting knocked off by your new, aweso...